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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Survey Says: What Women Want!!!

OKAY! Men pay close attention to these VERY SIMPLE requirements that the majority of women put out there for you to live up to from this day forward!

conducted an easy multiple choice survey on the Top 5 Grooming Preferences!
Survey says....

Question 1: What is the first thing you notice when a man approaches you?

Options: a) Face b) Smile/Teeth c) Clothes d) Shoes
Answer: 45.5% said Face; 54.5% said Smile/Teeth

*We see what really matters to the eye of the beholders.. your Prada and Gucci's hold no weight and neither do your labels.. ..

Question 2: Most men think that they do not have to pamper their hands or feet. What is most important to you?
Options: a) Hands b) Feet c) Both d) Not Needed
Answer: 18.2% said Hands; 54.5% said Both; and 27.3% said Not Needed
(REALLY!?!?!? UGH!)

Majority rules in this case.. GET YOUR CRUSTY HANDS AND FEET DONE - No Questions.. You guys want our nails and feet done on the regular - Practice what you Preach!!! The other answers don't matter.. LOL

Question 3: How do you prefer your Man's hair to be managed?
Options: a) Low-cut & neat b) Braids c) Dreads (but neat) d) Baldhead
Answer: 90.9% Low-cut & neat; 9.1% Dreads (but neat); and 9.1% Bald head

Looks like BRAIDS are a NO VA! (no go in English) So if there is anyone out there with Braids you better pull a JIM JONES Louisiana fast!!!!

Question 4: How do you like your man to smell 90% of the time?
Options: a) Your Fav Cologne b) After-Shave c) Funky d) Natural Scent or e) Shower Fresh (soapy)
It's a tie!!!!!!
Answer: 40% Fav Cologne; 40% Shower Fresh; and 20% said Au Natural.

Looks like no one wants to smell FUNKINESS including that damn OLD SPICE! hah!!!

Question 5: A man's breath should taste and/or smell like the following?

Options: a) Tart b) Kissing Breath c) Mouthwash d) Dentyne and e) Listerine (strips)
Answer: 81.8% Kissing Breath ( a wonderful scent!); 9.1% Dentyne (Gum); and 9.1%
Listerine (strips)

Just note -- Dentyne and Listerine cover up tartness -- unless you FLOSS and BRUSH TOO all the time!!!
And if you DON'T have that natural kissing breath USE your insurance and make an appointment at your local Dentist for a check up!

That's all!

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