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Monday, October 28, 2013

Let's Talk About ... Natural Beauty!

Yes Yes Yes...

Thinkin' About Transitioning?????

Women of color are doing 1 of 3 Things:

1) Still Relaxing....

2) Spending Beaucoupe Dollars on WEAVES
(the hair itself) or;

3) Shaking things up and going...

Don't Lie... All of us are tempted to let our hair down.. our hair... in its VERY natural state. But - will the world accept us?, what will they say at my job?, will I accept myself?, oh and the popular one.... will I keep my man (or even get one)... Don't laugh.. these are truly somethings that WE are concerned with 

Have you seen Chris Rock's "GOOD HAIR" documentary?  If not I strongly suggest you get yourself a copy A-S-A-P #message Check out how SOCIETY views Black  Hair in its Natural state. Although, Chris Rocks delivery is comical - there is a serious message here!!  As long as we keep accepting what "society" tells us what we SHOULD look like - "society" will never accept what we REALLY look like! #themovement

Well this is a topic I've been wanting to touch on back in 2011.. when I started CocoaCosConnection and since Natural Hair is still a trending topic in the (I'll play is safe) Ethnic Community.  I cannot NOT address the questions, advice, testimonials, referrals, suggestions etc. THIS IS WHY I NEED YOU - MY READERS - to help me HELP YOU.. 

Please take the time out to complete this survey Click here to take survey so that I can give you the information that you are looking for.  Whether you are just curious about it or really are considering going back to your ROOTS - literally!

Thank you in advance for your participation and Stay Tuned for the results. 

Au Natural November is under way....

- CocoaCosGirl 

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