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Monday, October 21, 2013

UPDATE: Revamping -- Right Now!


I have been away far too long... I was pregnant... had a prince....reevaluated and relocated... and now I am back on my GRIND!

I am in the process of redesigning my Beauty Blog otherwise known as CocoaCosConnection.  My goal is to have this completed by November 2013 and do a soft launch THIS December. The official launch will be scheduled for January 2014!!

Again, to reintroduce what this Beauty Blogsite is all about ... I am not proclaiming myself to be an expert -  I just have years of experience and exposure in the Beauty Industry; having worked for some of the TOP selling Luxury Brands in the capital of the world - New York City.  The mission of my site is to be an unfiltered informational stream of updates within the beauty industry... from products to endorsements; corporate marketing strategies down to the customer reviews and requests.. something that anyone in love with beauty products would be interested in ...

New widgets and links will be made available for the convenience of my readers.. not to mention a MAJOR facelift is in the works!

Stay tuned....


PS - This is gonna be fun for me all over again!

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